Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Turkey

Jared loves to make a brine every year for our turkey.  This year we had access to our bishop's turkey fryer so we soaked our bird along with our neighbors.  Due to the number of birds and size, there was not room enough in our fridge.   That night the outdoors was going to be plenty cold to keep the turkeys, so we put them out there in pots of brine with lids.  In order to ensure that raccoons would not get them Jared put weights on the them along with heavy rocks.  They survived the night just fine for our frying the next day, and they were oh so yummy and moist!  Contrary to what I used to believe, they are actually not high in fat because of the flash point.  The other plus is that your oven is not occupied for half the day cooking your turkey and having to baste every hour or so. 

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