Sunday, June 22, 2008

Texas Wildlife

So everything is actually bigger in Texas, except the deer. They are about the size of a great dane. They pass through our yard from time to time. I caught one one Saturday morning on our back porch. I got a few shots before it hissed at me and ran off. Notice the glowing eyes.

The bugs are bigger. This is a Rhinoceroses Beetle that flew into our garden. This explains why our grubs are so big. The centipedes are nothing to shake a stick at either.

Our Rats are bigger too. On the left we have a white tree rat. Below we have a ground rat-check out the size of this bad boy!

And even our ant mounds are bigger. This one in our lawn is about 7 feet in diameter.

So as the late crocodile hunter said " you got to have your wits about ya" when in Texas or you might end up getting carried out of bed by some huge Texas bugs.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Chickens added to our Little Farm

I have wanted chickens ever since I was a wee lad. Now that we live far out from any city we can have almost any animal we want. So I got Chickens. 3 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Auracanas that lay blue eggs. When we bought this house we were lucky to have on our property a chicken coop and one small cage. I have them in the cage now and when they get big enough they will live in the coop and eat all our bugs. We decided not to name them because it is harder to eat them when you know their name. If all goes well we will have some fresh blue and brown eggs in 16-22 weeks. Notice thew hungry cat in the first picture. She wants to eat them.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Gardening in Texas

Our garden gives us the chance to enjoy more of what Texas has to offer, good and bad. This includes hot days with singing birds and warm nights with flashing lighting bugs and plenty of mosquitoes. It took a lot of work to get here, compare two pictures one taken in February and the other taken today. Fresh zucchini and cucumbers have already graced our salads. The Tomatoes are well on their way as well as the corn and cantaloupe. We have met some setbacks. Our electric fence cannot keep everything out. The squash vine borer took out 5 Zucchini plants already. I performed surgery to extract them from all our plants, but I obviously missed some. The cabbage worms and corn worms are having their way with their respective victims. But good will overcome. We will see if our sunflowers reach the promised 8 ft height and the watermelons really grow to 250 lbs.