Monday, August 17, 2009


This story is to appease the complaint dept aka Nicole Wallace (hee-hee).

So the other night I went out to get the dog some food in the garage(I fill his bowl every evening so he can eat in the morning). I looked down at the ground only to see a huge scorpion near the doorway (it was making its way toward the house!). Not only was it big but it was really fat! Jared attempted to shew it away but it didn't budge so I pick it up with some long tweezer-type things we have and put her in a glass jug we have.
Jared looked at her the next day and said she has egg-like things on her back with legs. She was a momma with her brood! I thought to myself as I do with all arachnids, "I would love to kill her but I will show mercy only because of the babies". Had she been in my house she would have been sent to the spirit world a long time ago either by me or the little mousers (aka the cats). I let her sit in her "prison cell" for a couple of days.
Anyhow, last night I released her into the wild on the other side of our fence into the overgrown, vacant lot. I figured she needed a meal and a new home for her little creatures.


Stacie S-H said...

woohoo! another blog post :)

Mrs. Wallace said...

LOL! My complaining got me a post-whooo hooo! I would have sent it to the spirit world with or without babies. I know it's mean, but they're not on my save list :). Thanks for the post, I have to say I was surprised to see one so soon! Love you Texans!