Saturday, December 15, 2012

My Star Roosters

I currently have 8 roosters. That is about 3 too many.  I need to weigh them to see which I want to keep.
There is one Rhode Island Red, 2 Partridge Plymouth Rocks and 5 White Plymouth Rocks.  The Partridge Rocks are the best looking. The Rhode Island Red is at the top of the pecking order as far as I can tell. I can barely tell the white ones apart. There is one that took longer to develop than the others. At first I thought that was not a good thing. Then I read about the Jersey Giant chicken. They are a meat bird that take a long time to develop. The benefit is that the roosters meat does not get tough as fast as other breeds do. If I can get a strain of White Plymouth Rocks that is slow to develop, they would make a really nice meat birds. 

 Partridge Plymouth Rock
 Rhode Island Red
 White Plymouth Rock

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